He might have superpowers on TV but in real life, Dev Joshi, who plays the title character in the show Baal Veer is scared of his school principal. When the actor was recently in the city, along with Sudeepa Singh who plays Rani Pari on the show, he said, "Whenever I am in class, my friends and classmates ask me to show magic tricks, like the ones I do on my show. But I always convince them that I am just like any other student. I also feel that I should not behave like a superhero in class, or else I will be thrown out of the school. Mujhe principal ma'am se darr lagta hai."
Also Read: Work turns fun for Baal Veer
Dev said that even though he's experienced fan frenzy at a very young age, he does not want it to go to his head. He said, "Due to my shooting schedule in Mumbai, I cannot attend regular classes as my school is in Ahmedabad. I go to school only 10 days in a month. But my friends always treat me as special, though I am always taught that I am just like them. I have no special powers." Though he is not regular in school, he always carries his books and notes on the sets. "I always carry my books with me on the sets. As and when I get time, I try to manage my studies," said the Class IX student.
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